Sunday 3 May 2009

i had a very nice relaxing weekend, well right after i managed to come back to Earth after fridays night. for those of you who dont know, this is what happened friday night:

i went to a gig with Lynne - gigwhoring in full blow!. Madina Lake, oh well ;) as usual we started with our fave Strawberry Cider at the corner pub with Barry the Ant *after months of regular going there i still dont know the name of that pub. for me it will always be Barry the Ant pub* so we had fun discussing our coming trip to Knebworth, and deciding if we really want to take a can of helium with us. yes thats right A CAN OF HELIUM! hee hee to explain - we wanna be noticed by the linkins this time around. glowsicks and light up balloons are almost packed. and what better way to get noticed than sawing glowsticks onto your top and holding helium filled light up balloons during the gig?? exactly! thats why we want to take helium with us. see the problem is the security might not let us in with the balloons. so we decided we will try to sneak a can of helium into the venue.
at the secrity bag chack:
security guy: can you open your bag for security check?
kate: sure
*opens her bag.
security guy noticing the can of helium takes it out*
security guy: whats that???
kate: oh, thats just a can of helium. is that not allowed??
yeah, that might not work... but im sure we will come up with something equally brilliant by August. so we had two brothers each. *brothers is a make of strawberry cider, just so you wont think we are sluts or something.*
*kinda wishes I had those two OTHER brothers before the gig*
anyways, two brothers each, few hours of laughing, talking crap and making people give us dirty looks later we stood up and went to the bathrooms on our way out. there we got a life lesson from a totally wasted teacher who was nice enough to share her toilet paper with us. and that was when i noticed i left my jacket at the table. and my umbrella, but because its considered as a weapon, i decided to leave it anyways. umbrella, not my jacket! went back to grab the jacket, halfway down the stairs, a guy from another table shouts:"hey you left your umbrella" lynne:"oh, no we dont want it anymore. its lethal" hee hee we walked to the venue, went throught security check
security guy: can you open your bag for security ckeck?
kate: sure
security guy: im sorry, ill have to take that bottle of water away
kate: oh, thats ok, i doubt ill be needing it anyways
security guy:oh, whats that??
kate: thats my book
security guy: you brought a BOOK to a concert?
kate: yes
*security guy looks really confused*
kate: what if its boring??
security guy: its dark inside, you know
kate: duuurrr, its not my first gig, you know! i have a flashlight built in my mobile. :D

that really happened!!
and then we were in! the most sweaty and smelly gig we have ever been to, we laughted at all the teeny fans, tried to pop the floating balloons *courtesy of Madina Lake* and had two more drinks. on our way home, we stopped by a pizza place, played "1,2,3 he is yours" while waiting, Lynne became a reason one couple probably split up few hours later. we boarded the tram home and was asked to leave. mean mean people. when i arrived in my town i was still jolly and very chatty. started to walk home ignoring the little voice in my head shouting:"get a taxi!! get a TAXI!!". halfway there guess who i see?? my old flame, teh boy next door. havent seen him in aggges now, so obviously stopped and chatted a little bit.he was with 3 of his friends ive never met before, and before i knew it, i agreed to go out with them. right there, right now. they were on their way to anothers friend bday party, and i thought to myself:"hhmmmm im not tired, and i want to catch up with Ryan. this might be fun" we got there, house full of people i dont know, but hey, give me a drink and im miss chatterbox! so after two more beers, i sat down on a chair and just talked to teh person sitting next to me. unlucky for me, that was the birthday boy. unlucky, not cos he was the bday boy, but cos the minute i sat down someone shouted "tequila shots!!" and obviously all bday shots have to start with bday boy. the shot glass was passed over to me one to many times. yes, i can say that, cos i do remember biting on my 5th lemon... and then waking up in my room 5 hours later. no idea how did i get back home. im assuming it must have been ryan, cos no one else knew me there.
saturday was filled with spacing out and pretending im doing things. i even had problems concentrating on Xman and CSI NY, and i luuurrrvvvveee that stuff!! and today just been really good. relaxing, reading, gardening, burning bacon... you know normo stuff ;)

good times!!
todays conversation while planting Lillies of the valley in the front garden

Kate: So are we gonna plant them all aroung the tree?
Greg: Well, i was just thinking about planting them in front of the tree. we dont really need them at the back, do we?
Kate: But if you'll only plant them in front, then the back of the tree will be sad and jealous and it might get cross?
Greg*looking confused*: care to explain??
Kate: well, imagine next spring, when the front of this tree has those bautiful flowers growing, the back will just be there, at the back*like that is not enough to be mad about!!*, and it will be like "nice, they planted all those lovely smelling flower out there, and nothing wants to grow here, im so lonely and stinky"
Greg: *backs away* so you think by not planting any flowers at the back, we will hurt backs feelings?
Kate: yes
Greg: you think back has feelings??
Kate: well, your back hurts sometimes!!
Greg: you're weird!
Kate: you say it like its a bad thing.
Greg: have i told you lately that i think you are special?
Kate: really?? awwwww
Greg: now give me that spade. lets dig some holes and plant some Lillies.
*Greg digs hole all over the front of the tree.*
Kate: so, you are NOT planing Lillies at the back??
Greg: *laughs* NO!
Kate: the back will have its revenge soon! you'll see!

20 minutes later
*Greg walks in with his hand on his back*
Kate: what did you do?
Greg: i think ive pulled a muscle
Kate: HA!
Greg: stop being mean and show me some sympathy.
Kate: well, im sorry, but i cant! i dont want back to be cross with me to.
*walks away*
Kate: oh, and I TOLD YOU SO!!! mwahahahaha