Sunday 3 May 2009

todays conversation while planting Lillies of the valley in the front garden

Kate: So are we gonna plant them all aroung the tree?
Greg: Well, i was just thinking about planting them in front of the tree. we dont really need them at the back, do we?
Kate: But if you'll only plant them in front, then the back of the tree will be sad and jealous and it might get cross?
Greg*looking confused*: care to explain??
Kate: well, imagine next spring, when the front of this tree has those bautiful flowers growing, the back will just be there, at the back*like that is not enough to be mad about!!*, and it will be like "nice, they planted all those lovely smelling flower out there, and nothing wants to grow here, im so lonely and stinky"
Greg: *backs away* so you think by not planting any flowers at the back, we will hurt backs feelings?
Kate: yes
Greg: you think back has feelings??
Kate: well, your back hurts sometimes!!
Greg: you're weird!
Kate: you say it like its a bad thing.
Greg: have i told you lately that i think you are special?
Kate: really?? awwwww
Greg: now give me that spade. lets dig some holes and plant some Lillies.
*Greg digs hole all over the front of the tree.*
Kate: so, you are NOT planing Lillies at the back??
Greg: *laughs* NO!
Kate: the back will have its revenge soon! you'll see!

20 minutes later
*Greg walks in with his hand on his back*
Kate: what did you do?
Greg: i think ive pulled a muscle
Kate: HA!
Greg: stop being mean and show me some sympathy.
Kate: well, im sorry, but i cant! i dont want back to be cross with me to.
*walks away*
Kate: oh, and I TOLD YOU SO!!! mwahahahaha

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