Sunday 3 May 2009

i had a very nice relaxing weekend, well right after i managed to come back to Earth after fridays night. for those of you who dont know, this is what happened friday night:

i went to a gig with Lynne - gigwhoring in full blow!. Madina Lake, oh well ;) as usual we started with our fave Strawberry Cider at the corner pub with Barry the Ant *after months of regular going there i still dont know the name of that pub. for me it will always be Barry the Ant pub* so we had fun discussing our coming trip to Knebworth, and deciding if we really want to take a can of helium with us. yes thats right A CAN OF HELIUM! hee hee to explain - we wanna be noticed by the linkins this time around. glowsicks and light up balloons are almost packed. and what better way to get noticed than sawing glowsticks onto your top and holding helium filled light up balloons during the gig?? exactly! thats why we want to take helium with us. see the problem is the security might not let us in with the balloons. so we decided we will try to sneak a can of helium into the venue.
at the secrity bag chack:
security guy: can you open your bag for security check?
kate: sure
*opens her bag.
security guy noticing the can of helium takes it out*
security guy: whats that???
kate: oh, thats just a can of helium. is that not allowed??
yeah, that might not work... but im sure we will come up with something equally brilliant by August. so we had two brothers each. *brothers is a make of strawberry cider, just so you wont think we are sluts or something.*
*kinda wishes I had those two OTHER brothers before the gig*
anyways, two brothers each, few hours of laughing, talking crap and making people give us dirty looks later we stood up and went to the bathrooms on our way out. there we got a life lesson from a totally wasted teacher who was nice enough to share her toilet paper with us. and that was when i noticed i left my jacket at the table. and my umbrella, but because its considered as a weapon, i decided to leave it anyways. umbrella, not my jacket! went back to grab the jacket, halfway down the stairs, a guy from another table shouts:"hey you left your umbrella" lynne:"oh, no we dont want it anymore. its lethal" hee hee we walked to the venue, went throught security check
security guy: can you open your bag for security ckeck?
kate: sure
security guy: im sorry, ill have to take that bottle of water away
kate: oh, thats ok, i doubt ill be needing it anyways
security guy:oh, whats that??
kate: thats my book
security guy: you brought a BOOK to a concert?
kate: yes
*security guy looks really confused*
kate: what if its boring??
security guy: its dark inside, you know
kate: duuurrr, its not my first gig, you know! i have a flashlight built in my mobile. :D

that really happened!!
and then we were in! the most sweaty and smelly gig we have ever been to, we laughted at all the teeny fans, tried to pop the floating balloons *courtesy of Madina Lake* and had two more drinks. on our way home, we stopped by a pizza place, played "1,2,3 he is yours" while waiting, Lynne became a reason one couple probably split up few hours later. we boarded the tram home and was asked to leave. mean mean people. when i arrived in my town i was still jolly and very chatty. started to walk home ignoring the little voice in my head shouting:"get a taxi!! get a TAXI!!". halfway there guess who i see?? my old flame, teh boy next door. havent seen him in aggges now, so obviously stopped and chatted a little bit.he was with 3 of his friends ive never met before, and before i knew it, i agreed to go out with them. right there, right now. they were on their way to anothers friend bday party, and i thought to myself:"hhmmmm im not tired, and i want to catch up with Ryan. this might be fun" we got there, house full of people i dont know, but hey, give me a drink and im miss chatterbox! so after two more beers, i sat down on a chair and just talked to teh person sitting next to me. unlucky for me, that was the birthday boy. unlucky, not cos he was the bday boy, but cos the minute i sat down someone shouted "tequila shots!!" and obviously all bday shots have to start with bday boy. the shot glass was passed over to me one to many times. yes, i can say that, cos i do remember biting on my 5th lemon... and then waking up in my room 5 hours later. no idea how did i get back home. im assuming it must have been ryan, cos no one else knew me there.
saturday was filled with spacing out and pretending im doing things. i even had problems concentrating on Xman and CSI NY, and i luuurrrvvvveee that stuff!! and today just been really good. relaxing, reading, gardening, burning bacon... you know normo stuff ;)

good times!!
todays conversation while planting Lillies of the valley in the front garden

Kate: So are we gonna plant them all aroung the tree?
Greg: Well, i was just thinking about planting them in front of the tree. we dont really need them at the back, do we?
Kate: But if you'll only plant them in front, then the back of the tree will be sad and jealous and it might get cross?
Greg*looking confused*: care to explain??
Kate: well, imagine next spring, when the front of this tree has those bautiful flowers growing, the back will just be there, at the back*like that is not enough to be mad about!!*, and it will be like "nice, they planted all those lovely smelling flower out there, and nothing wants to grow here, im so lonely and stinky"
Greg: *backs away* so you think by not planting any flowers at the back, we will hurt backs feelings?
Kate: yes
Greg: you think back has feelings??
Kate: well, your back hurts sometimes!!
Greg: you're weird!
Kate: you say it like its a bad thing.
Greg: have i told you lately that i think you are special?
Kate: really?? awwwww
Greg: now give me that spade. lets dig some holes and plant some Lillies.
*Greg digs hole all over the front of the tree.*
Kate: so, you are NOT planing Lillies at the back??
Greg: *laughs* NO!
Kate: the back will have its revenge soon! you'll see!

20 minutes later
*Greg walks in with his hand on his back*
Kate: what did you do?
Greg: i think ive pulled a muscle
Kate: HA!
Greg: stop being mean and show me some sympathy.
Kate: well, im sorry, but i cant! i dont want back to be cross with me to.
*walks away*
Kate: oh, and I TOLD YOU SO!!! mwahahahaha

Monday 27 April 2009

i always thought that when you reach a certain age it all will be clear, my whole life will be sorted and decided and id be happy to stick with the decisions i've made. guess what? its all a bullshit! nothing is ever certain and even at my age you are still somewhere in the woods with no path to take. i know, i know, that sounds kinda emo-ish, so just to calm you down, im not feeling emo at all today. in fact i have a feeling this week will be a happy week. there is lots planned and i welcome surprises. yes, thats right, me, Miss Routine will welcome all surprises this week. why? well, its partly because of what happened yesterday. a epiphany! i realized that we are learning something every day. and thou it might sounds like what happened yesterday was very insignificant, it gave me a great pleasure! ill have all of you know, that yesterday i learned that there is a difference between sawing buttons onto a shirt and coat :O and i also DID try sawing buttons 'the new way'. surprisingly it gave me a little bit of accomplishment. after i felt that wonderful taste, i wanted to keep it for a bit longer... and then i got distracted by a text from a special person. was hoping the person would text me, was wishing it for few good days now. i think i wished it to happen... maybe i have magic powers? hee hee it happens all the time, see. will power wishing. usually it shows in a small ways - rain will stop raining just as i have to go outside; a person in front of me will change their orders, so i can have the last piece of cheesecake; ill be thinking about someone, and few minutes later that person will call/text me. it might be just a coincidence... or maybe not. anyways, something worked, and the said person did text me - yey. we exchanged more than few texts and it felt good. like the old times. we used to text all the time, for weeks, with breaks only for beauty sleep. hopefully we will keep texting and calling. i miss the old times :( i thought i was moving on, made my piece with everything what happened; i thought... i was wrong. the happiness that filled me while seeing the said persons name on my phone under "1 new message" told me everything. i suck!! why? because i cant move on! a similar thing happened last week when i got an email of a long lost friend. seems like i just cant move on, im stuck in the past, and i secretly like it.
all those emotions i experienced yesterday made me think this is going to be a great week. i went to bed with a smile on my face *listening to Linkin Park live from Manchester helped too*. pouring rain walked me up this morning, way to early, but it didnt ruin my happiness :D my normal good mood ruiner - school run - didnt work this time either! im happy happy happy!!
ok, enough babbling. time to do somethng constructive and important! ha ha

Tuesday 21 April 2009

i haz a massife proud!! i just changed my hair colour! not only did i go in a totally different colour, but i also did it all by myself! yup, thats right! i coloured my hair on my own, and it looks bloody brilliant! i did had a scare about half way throught. is it just me, or does it happen to everyone? when I have your hair dye on about halfway throught the required time i always start to think "or maybe they will all fall out and ill be bold!??? OMG! what the hell am i doing?? i dont wanna be bold" *sob sob*" yup, happenes every single time! and i do colour my hair quite often. looks like some things never chnange :d good, im not so fond of changes lately. i do love being brunette! it supposed to be chocolate brown, it kinda turned out a bit lighter, but great... i think chocolate brown would be a tad too dark... thou darker hair might suit me, being pale and all... thou i never wanted to go black, way too emo for me. thou i think i might be turning emo. im sitting here, hungry as f*ck, but i am way to lazy to go to kitchen and get something to eat. im so lazy ill starve myself. ill die of starvtion cos of my lazy ass :O oh well...
woop just got a *golden star* for doing my hair on my own!!
im all grown up, now!! i went to the movies alone yesterday! second time in my entire life, and now this?? i think i might be ready to go into the big bad world!! it was a song, if im not mistaken! "big bad world". damn, who was it? some tiny little girl sang it ageees ago... with curly hair... "im a big big girl, in a big bad world..." or something... anyways!!
i wanted to book late time before premiere screening of "xman origins: wolverine". got an email from my local cinema few days ago, announcing they will have a special screening of "wolvering" on a tue *it goes public here, wed 29th* at 10.30pm *please arrive before 10pm* wooooop instantly i got this picture of a late night cinema filled with hunky mens, and im the only girl there. and obviously there are drinks before the movie, so they can chat me up and few of them even have tattoos, and they are all really funny, and there are even few gay couples... oh, that was a great dream!! yes, a dream. wanted to book the ticket today, and was told they are sold out! SOLD OUT!!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a little part of me died in an instant! :( and i will never be the same again! my dream has been flying high up in teh sky,a nd then was shot down like a por duck, and when teh hunter found his victim, instead of picking me up, he kicked me and stab my heart with a qTip.
so now i have to wait til wed, 8.40pm to see the gorgous Hugh running nakkid! boo *orgasmic too!!* oh i cant wait!!! and i managed to convince my fellow gigwhore to see The Blackout +Hollywood Undead next month :D woop woop!!

Sunday 19 April 2009

im kinda bored today, its a sunday and ive been up since half 7... which is very unusual, cos, as a typics Leo, i can sleep 23 hours a day. apparently thats what we do, Leo's that is, sleep 23 hours and then the last one is spend on a quest for food, or sex. true that! food is very important in Leo's life :D and we don't share food. Just like Joey. well, i can share puddings, if that counts for something. ive never been to hot for sweet stuff, yes i like it, but i don't HAVE to eat it. totally different story with meat. That is why i never even thought about being a veggie. Thats a lie, actually. I did thought about it for like 5 minutes and then decided i could never do that. i have a very close relationship with meat. I think i would sell half of my family in exchange for food. iIthink i might be fat later on in life ;) see, ive just spend the last five minutes talking about meat; how can i not love it? anyways, moving on, one thing i dont like is the inside of a muffin. seriously, i think the best part of a muffin is the crispy top. and that is the bit i always eat. the rest is just guilt eating, really. guilt how, you'd ask? well, if i eat the top and the rest is just there on my plate, ill look down, see this poor poor hedless thing, all sad and well, headless, and ill eat it just to end its misery. and that is my friend a guilt eating. i dont want to do it, but i have to. and that is why i usually do not buy muffins. now, its even more complicated if a muffin was a gift. i have to eat it beacause:
1. its looks so sad headless
2. i don't want to hurt the feeling of a person who bought it for me. *now, if yo really know me you wuld never buy a muffin for me- a pack of skittles-mmmmmm, a doughnut -- mmmmm, chip choc cookie -- double mmm.*
now normo person would just leave the muffin and forget about it, but me, being so nice and not wanting to hurt a strangers feeling, would have to eat that damn muffin. sadly, id loath every bite of it. yes, its sick. yes, its twisted. but then it all makes sense!

I want to go to a car boot sale. well, a car boot sale where i can buy books. it doesnt have to be a car boot sale, really. i just want to buy books. i feel this internal craving for new books. lack of book room in my bedroom aside. i might need some book shelf/book storage solution pretty soon. im running out of space. there is no space underneath my bed, my shelves are all taken and now my widowsills are full to... but i still want books :D and a new gig. need to sort out that Nickelback/Black Stone Cherry thing this week. are we going?? are we skipping it? to be honest i really don't feel like seeing them now. after papa roach it looks like its gonna be totally lame. Blue October, on the otehr hand, its something i can't miss. another thing on my lists to do. can i start getting organized for Sonisphere now? or maybe i should at least wait when we hit double number to the date?? ;) oh, the thought of going away to listen to great music for 2 whole days!! *claps and squuueeeels*-- which as i just been told today, people think sound totally twisted and evil! :O i was always going for a little condescending sounding laugh. maybe i had it all wrong? :s time to get a move on. lets go to facebook ;)
woop woop, im down with the kids, im hip, im all about rock and roll....

it took me like an hour, but you know i did it!! i has a serious proud right now. being a slight pc retard, i am very proud to say that as of right now, i have a visitors count here!!

told you im hip!! ;)
I went to see Papa Roach last thursday, as a part of my gigwhoring year, and i must say it ws by a mile my 3rd best gig ever! *first two being of course my two LP gigs :)*
It was way beyond awesome! they played all the bet songs, obviously, and 5 from the new cd; they had the great LP-type energy onstage and the whole crowd was MENTAL! we were stood about 5 rows from the front and the whole in front of us was a mosh pit. During "forever" , which is one of my fave Papa Roach songs, you coudnt even hear Jacoby sing -- it was that loud! to top that i got a t-shirt i really badly wanted -white one with the new cd cover on it. they didnt have it inside, but i did found it outside ;)gotta love them guys ;) and the freaking cherry on this huge wonderful cake was very unexpected, yet totally hoped for live version of "I almost told you that i love you". I love that song, but its not a single and its on a new cd, so i only wished for it not expecting hearing it. and just when all my hope was gone, they came back onstage for the encore, played "scars" *SQUEEEEEEE* and went right into "i almost told you that i love you"!! just imagine my surprise and total happiness!! it was fucking brilliant!
thoughout the evening Jacoby joked and talked a lot - and thats what i like!! and also... he blew kisses to all of us - yes, he actually used the frase "I'm blowing you all a kiss" more than 5 time :D how cool is that? huge, slightly emo-looking tattooed guy using word "kisses" hee hee almost made me pee ;) right before"hollywood whore" Jacoby gave a little speach about how he "is sick of all the fakes in Holywood" and he actually used teh word TWAT... now i didnt even know the americans knew the word twat which made it even more funny :D
the gig was on th 16th anniversary of forming Papa Roach -kinda made me want to sing Happy Anniversary:) i didnt, thou!
I know the guys brought their whole families to Europe with them *read that on papa roach message board* and i really wanted to see Little Roaches, but sadly there were nowhere to be seen :(

here's the link for "twat speach" :D

Wednesday 25 March 2009

new albums i fricking cant wait to hear:

1. Linkin Park-- hopefully later this year... but sadly more like early next year :(
2.Three Days Grace- 2009
3. Biffy Clyro--2009
4. 30 seconds to mars--2009
5. My Chemical Romance- hopefully 2009
6.Dead by sunrise -- fall 2009 ???
7.OneRepublic - 2009?
8. Muse - summer 2009
9. Eminem- 2009
i wanna move to Taiwan! yes, Taiwan! not cos all the electronic things are made there... thou that might help to run my life smoothly... i wouldnt have to be as careful with them as i am now, cos they are cheaper there, right? i mean, if they produce them it must be cheaper, right? or maybe not... anyways, i wanna move to taiwan right after sonisphere. just cos i NEED to see hoobastank! i need to! they are like in my top 5 of all time fave bands, and its so not fair that taiwan ppl get to see them! is also not fair that they don tour europe! cos we love them here! well, we love them HERE! no idea about the rest of europe, but they are really loved in my house! ;)why cant i just be really really rich? it would be so much easier!and you wanna know whats even better than seeing Hoobastank alone? seeing them as LPs support :O

Wednesday 18 March 2009

hillarious lyrics "hall of fame" ;)

1. "I'm not a chance but a heatwave in your pants" -- I don't care-Fall Out Boy

2. "The hair cut's hot but this has gotta stop, good shoes won't save you this time" -- Can't catch tomorrow-Lostprophets

3. "Got no eyes, I got no head. I've got no house, I got no bed 'Cause I'm a jellyfish" -- PNB'Jellyfish-Linkin Park

4.. "Give me a Hell, give me a Yeah" -- Hell yeah-Rev Theory *makes me loll everytime!*

5. "When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of Sixth Sense, i jizzed in my pants." -- Jizzed in my pants-Lonely Planet *the whole song is hillarious to be honest!!*

6. "i kill your fucking dog for fun so dont push me" -- Lonely Planet again hee heeeeee

7. "I wear a shower cap so I don't get wetI put on my shoes so my feet don't hurt" -- 26 lettaz in da alphabet-Linkin Park

p.s. list will be updated fo sho :D

Friday 6 March 2009

so its a friday night, and my plans just went down the pooper... i hate when that happens!! im actually at a friends house but its kind of a boring house... with kids and stuff... my friends husband is away in amsterdam enjoying his boys weekend away and she is stuck with two little kids... and she is scared to sleep on her own--- awww, bless! so im here, and she is trying to put the kids to bed.. might take her awhile, but i like it cos now i have a total control over the tv! and she has sky too! wiiiiin!!! at least til she'll be back downstairs... or maybe i can just "take over break over" wooops- sorry for that! fall out boy was really good last night thou!!! and the "im not a chance but a heatwave in your pants" line still cracks me up!!! GENIUS!!!! they had glowing in dark guitars during I DONT CARE which is like my fave song--- and not only cos its the heatwave song!!! i do like the beat! and i did enjoy the gayliner and stuff! and they did lots of talking and Patrick told us one of his Thanksgiving stories... and it didnt make sense AT ALL!!! hey mondays were good too-- kinda cross between Avril and Paramore-- wasnt too sure about them, but after some listening i must say i do like them. should i stop now???? oh i can smell pizza!!!!okbaithx

its been awhile....

was sitting in a pub yesterday, waiting for lynne to finish work.. and i got some strange looks i must say! it might be cos i had two bottles of my beloved Jaques on the table.... or cos i was reading Dave Grohl's biography and was lollling uncontrolably! the guy is bloody hillarious soooo glad i got that book-- dont really like bio's.. the only two ive ever read were Kurt Cobains and Sharon Osbournes... kinda wanna read Slash's bio now! and i hear Montley Cure's is terribly graffic
im bored now!the gig last night was great!! Fall Out Boy was waaay more rock-y then i expected! and the glowing in the dark guitars rocked my world!! and i just wanna say


is the best line ive ever heard!!! next stop -- STARSAILOR!! kids probably dont know this band... thank goodness its over 18's only ;) hee hee the tickets are soooo pretty!! they are stripey and kinda rainbow-y from yellow to red!! *sadly id love them o be red to back * and i did a great huge SQQQUUUUUEEEEEEEE while being handed them wow thats a long post!!!! wooooo

and i found this review of the gig-- funny as hell :D

Friday 13 February 2009

another list.....

Bands i wanna see live ;)

1. Linkin Park -- check -- 27.01.2008 and 29.06.2008
2. Three Days Grace
3. 3 Doors Down -- check -- 20.10.2008
4. Simple Plan
5. Starsailor -- check -- 27.03.2009
6. 10 years
7. Alana Grace
8. Lesley Roy
9. All-American Rejects
10. Armor For Sleep
11. Biffy Clyro --kinda check ;) --27.01.2008
12. Black Stone Cherry
13. Chris Cornell
14. Jay-z -- check -- 29.06.2008
15. Coldplay
16. Daughtry
17. Dashboard Confesional -- check 28.11.2007
18. Maroon 5 --check -- 28.11.2007
19. Death Cab For Cutie
20. Dido
21. Fine Frenzy
22. Foo Fighters
23. Hoobastank
24. Incubus
25. Justin Timberlake
26. Lenny Kravitz
27. Puddle Of Mudd
28. R.E.M.
29. RHCP
30. Seether -- check -- 22.01.2009
31. Stereophonics -- check -- 10.12.2008
32. Take That
33. 30 Seconds To Mars

Tuesday 3 February 2009

ive been feeling really good today.. kinda strange considering my bunny went to bunnyheaven yesterday :( silly talks cheered me up. and this is a product of one of them. between Rach and myself!
i quoted Rach in my msn msg and my status on facebook:
"... and then he did this motion with his hands around his ears and we knew he was talking about Brad"
for some reason i found it really funny! so we decided now that she is being quoted, she is on a fastlane to stardom!

now all you need is a stage name!!!
the Bulk
you'll have to wear a spandex with hat nickname thou!!
it's worth is
hahahah OK!!
20 to 9 already??? i jUST got in!!!
shit marn
how do you look in red?? good??
i look shit
good!! red it is!!!
well, you cant have green spandex! hulk was green!!
i dont mind red for the outfit
good! cos i thought about orange, but that would make you look like you just escaped from prison!
or like Chester in the old days
*is considering it!!*
when you'll be famous can i be your personal Mark Fiore????
why of course
yeyyyy!! ill follow you around with a camera and record all the stoopidest things you'll do!!! and ill make it into a movie and ill win an oscar, and ill be famous too!! and then we gonna have a huge party and we will ask LP to play and they will be so touched by our true story they'll do it for free and when they'll come around they'll just simply fall in love with us-- cos, pleeeaaaaseeee , how can you resist!!!
maybe we should sort our contracts out noew
hahah ok! Mike and Brad are mine, you can have all the rest and i dont care about anything else, cos im really doing everything just to get them to bed :D
i get Mike and Chester, sorry.
i'm cheif benefactor
but its thanks to my genius brain we'll get an oscar!! that is my hard work!!
ill throw a little Innerpartysystem drummer in if you want??
i'll take that!
SOLD! then you get chaz and jared, i get mike and brad, but if keanu happens to swing by the party he is mine!
can i not get Mike for a bit? like, swap Chester and him for the holidays or something
*after few minutes of deep thinking*
deo you skii???
oh poo, fine ill keep him for skiing holiday, and you can have Mike for two weeks during the summer. is that ok?
sounds about right
ok! but ill need to know where you are taking him! *dont want you to kidnap my precious!!*

LMAO!!!! good times!!

Sunday 1 February 2009

i went to see 'the wrestler' with mickey rourke today. after watching the trailer about a million times i expected something different... and i blame the trailer for that!! it makes it look a lot more conventional that it actually is.
it's a really good movie that somehow successfully skirts the line between cliche and originality. but mickey rourke's performance is phenomenal.
i can't remember seeing an actor playing such a disturbing role as flawlessly as mickey rourke does in 'the wrestler'. his performance is perfect. heartbreaking and disturbing and almost painfully endearing. but it's a really good movie with the best performance by an actor that i think i've ever seen. or at least that i've seen in a really long time.

p.s. i was the only girl in the cinema, but i wasnt the only person left in tears.


The Ram:
I just want to say to you all tonight I'm very grateful to be here. A lot of people told me that I'd never wrestle again and that's all I do. You know, if you live hard and play hard and you burn the candle at both ends, you pay the price for it. You know in this life you can loose everything you love, everything that loves you. Now I don't hear as good as I used to and I forget stuff and I aint as pretty as I used to be but god damn it I'm still standing here and I'm The Ram. As times goes by, as times goes by, they say "he's washed up", "he's finished" , "he's a loser", "he's all through". You know what? The only one that's going to tell me when I'm through doing my thing is you people here.

Saturday 31 January 2009

quotes part3

I would like to think we can be a hundred different people in one lifetime. But maybe once you've changed, there's a piece that stays that way forever... until, eventually, you can not reme,ber who you were in the first place. -- Jodi Picoult

Friday 30 January 2009

Change is a funny thing... We are never quite sure what we are becoming or even why. Then one day we look at ourselves and wonder who we are and how we got that way. Only one thing about change remains constant... it is always painful.

Thursday 29 January 2009

quotes part2

"In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn; color your hair; watch a third of a hockey game. In nineteen minutes, you can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for a family of five. In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world; or you can just jump off it. " -- "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult
*just cos i love making lists*

a list of songs id love to see live:
1. Kryptonite by 3 doors down -- check!
2. Pushing m away by Linkin Park -- check
3. Unbeautiful by Lesley Roy
4. Dakota by Stereophonics -- check
5. If everyone cared by Nickelback
6. Four to the floor by Starsailor
7. Black roses red by Alana Grace
8. Stab my back by All-american rejects
9. Hold the door by Armour for sleep
10. Burn baby burn by Ash
11. Drops of jupiter by Train
12. Ordinary by Train
13. Blow by Atreyu
14. Falling down by Atreyu
15. Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold
16. I am who i am by Ben's brother
17. Wishing well by Ben Moody
18. Machines by Biffy Clyro -- check
19. Full Moon by Black ghosts
20. Blind Man by Black Stone Cherry
21. Hate me by Blue October
22. Follow Me by Breaking Benjamins
23. Cannonball by Damien Rice
24. So Long sweet summer by Dashboard Confessional
25. What I Want by Daughtry
26. I will follow you into the dark by Death cab for cutie
27. Isobel by dido
28. Don't leave home by dido
29. My Immortal by Evanescence
30. almost lover by Fine Frenzy
31. Home by foo fighters
32. Statues by foo fighters
33. Slip out the back by Fort Minor
34. disappear by hoobastank
35. Earth to bella part 1 by Incubus
36. Between the minds by Jack Savoretti
37. 99 problems by Jay-z -- check
38. Pain by Jimmy eat world
39. again by Lenny Kravitz
40. Hanging by the moment by Lifehouse
41. with you by Linkin Park
42. can't catch tomorrow by lostprophets
43. harder to breathe - maroon 5 -- check
44. If i never see your face again by maroon 2 -- check
45. time is running out by muse
46. famous last words by my chemical romance
47. always love by nada surf
48. decode by paramore
49. blurry by puddle of mudd
50. all the right friends by r.e.m.
51. scar tissue by red hot chilli peppers
52. as i choke by ross copperman
53. it's not over by secondhand serenade
54. gasoline by seether -- check
55. broken by seether -- check
56. its been awhile by staind -- check
57. fake it by seether -- check
58. take my hand by simple plan
59. the bartender and the thief by stereophonics -- check
60. pain by three days grace
61. gone forever by three days grace
62. i hate everything about you by three days grace
63. away from the sun by 3 doors down -- check
64. when im gone by 3 doors down -- check
65. from yesterday by 30 seconds to mars
66. was it a dream by 30 seconds to mars

Sunday 18 January 2009

i'm not quite sure how to breathe without you here.i'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to all we were... be with me... stay with me... just for now... let the time decide when i won't need you... my hand searches for your hand in a dark room. i can't find you... help me... are you looking for me? can i feel any more... lie to me, i'm fading i can't drop you... tell me i don't need you... my hand searches for your hand in a dark room. i can't find you... help me... are you looking for me? ...etch this into my brain for me... tell me how its supposed to be... where everything will go and how i'll be without you by my side... my hand searches for your hand... in a dark room. i can't find you... help me... are you looking for me??

Wednesday 7 January 2009

quotes part1

See, guys freak out. They hit critical mass and blast nuclear, white-hot anger out over the world like walking flame throwers. But girls freak in. They absorb the pain and bitterness and keep right on sponging it up until they drown. Maybe that’s why nobody’s real worried about girls going off and wreaking havoc. It’s not that the seething hatred and need for revenge isn’t there, hell no. It’s just that instead of erupting and annihilating our tormentors, we destroy ourselves instead.--- Leftovers by Lauren Wiess

Sunday 4 January 2009

the new year has arrived and i have nothing interesting to say... no really!! NOTHING!! took my xmas decs down today, had a fight with our xmas tree--she didnt want to give me the xmas lights back :O so we fought and i kicked her and suddenly she was on the floor in two pieces!! have no idea how did that happen--i never thought i was that strong! :O maybe i am a superhero afterall!! although i never wanted to be superstrenght! superspeed would be nice! so i could escape any time id like to! time travelling would be even better!! and then id go back to Jane Austen days and stay there forever! i DO think id be much happier there! always thought i was born waaay to late for my liking...for some reason living back in 19th century looks way simpler! no rush, no rat-races...just the "you have to get merried" is not to my liking! id be more like jane austen or her sister cassandra--single forever...and happy!
ok, so few things ha changed-- some friends fell in love (yuck ;), some friends are at the starting point... again. and im still here, going strong...? well, im not so sure about that.. maybe its just a new years blues but ive been thinking a lot lately... and that is never good! ovethinking things is my speciality. and usually it would be ok, but strangely ill always end up in a dark deep place where i can't see the light anymore! thats why i tend to go with the flow.
will this year be better than 2008? we shall see...